As a team we use many tools, like the buildings, in our attempt to be true to the work God has called us to.
Let me tell you about three of the tools.
Ok, so I’m not the biggest fan of facebook, but social media is here to stay and we soon realised that we were missing part of the conversation on Harold Hill by not being on facebook. Part of being a missionary is being able to hear the local conversation and then speak the Gospel into it. This includes Facebook. Because of Facebook we are able to be made aware of those with pastoral needs, remind people what’s coming up and have some really interesting debates, like we did in lent and when Bin laden was killed. Like all tools it requires wisdom to use and I still believe that face to face human contact is best and so try to only use Facebook to enhance our friendships on the Hill, not to replace them.
Working with the Local Authority
This second tool has been very significant in helping us meet and have contact with others. We are very grateful for the excellent working relationships we have with Social workers, children’s centres and schools. I believe that they now trust us to do good and professional work. They understand that we are Christians and we understand that working with them means we need to respect that they work with all and can’t be seen to promote or support one faith. Our working agreement I believe has benefitted us both and in this time of cuts to frontline services we the church are being able to fill some of the gaps in a professional, Godly and distinctively Christian way. The danger with this tool is that we would just become an extension of the Local Authority, surrogate social workers etc, however I don’t believe this is the case for us. (For a fuller explanation, see our Blog from June 6th as to why we are not like social services. ) Please pray for our Local Authority.
Being Baptist:
It might seem strange to suggest that being Baptist is one of our tools, especially as we don’t have what many would consider a ‘church’. However being Baptist is about more than just getting people really wet. For us it’s about a whole way of treating and working with people. One of the comments I get regularly is that “your not part of the system”. That’s right we’re not, as Baptists we believe that the community has a voice in discerning God’s will for it. We believe that all, young and old, those who are broken, those with mental health issues, those with a past and those who have never had a voice and been listened to can be part of and help shape and discern God’s will for His community. Being Baptist effects us because we want to ask people what they think, we hopefully show they are valued, that they can make a positive contribution, that we want to listen to their ideas. We hopefully model how to disagree and how to want what’s best for all, rather then just yourself. All of which are qualities needed in a healthy congregational Baptist church which is seeking together to discern God’s Will. As we take the next steps in working out what a church community is on Harold Hill. Being Baptist is at the heart of our values and how we operate.
Once again thank you for your love and prayers