Tuesday 31 January 2012

oops it's been a while

Sorry all it's been a while, things haves been good. (lost couple of weeks Alison's been really ill with a bug but we seem to over that now)

We have been in an interesting time time here. We have been having communion at the end of our weekly meal which has been well received and for which we continue to seek wisdom as to how to do well.

I've been asked to be 'spiritual champion for the new youth centre, which is an amazing opportunity to serve God in the community.

We have also been preparing a paper for the leadership of our host church about our future plans.

This month is crazy with Alison and I going to a conference together, I'm going to the EBA ministers conference and speaking at a church weekend.

Most importantly our time continues to be about people and standing with them in their needs. As ever we are humbled to be part of different people journeys and hopefully to be Jesus to them as they travel in valleys of Pain and Darkness.