Hi, We find that this is the main way of keeping in touch with you and what you are involved in. [We rarely get any info from other sources!]. More would be great but we realise that you need to balance this with all the other events etc that you spend time on. Hope to see you on 12th. All best wishes. John & Wendy
Richard is a often loud and speaks long before he thinks. He is a dad of three and struggles to remember he is an adult rather than a child. He is married to Alison and they are part time church leaders in place called Harold Hill. They feel passionately called to serve those on the margins of society. Richard is a Baptist minister, and with the other part of his working week he is a parenting coach.
Sky Pilot is the cockney Rhyming slang for church minister...Rich is a baptist minister.
These blogs only represent Richard's view at the time of writing.. in all likelihood he has changed them already!
Hi, We find that this is the main way of keeping in touch with you and what you are involved in. [We rarely get any info from other sources!]. More would be great but we realise that you need to balance this with all the other events etc that you spend time on. Hope to see you on 12th. All best wishes. John & Wendy