On saturday as a family we had the privilege of being at Shoebury Baptist for Jim Hamilton's leaving do/ retirement. The church, as ever did a great job, and it got me thinking about loads and loads of different things.
One of which is that for Shoebury it now has to face the reality that change must come, as they pursue a new man or woman of God to be part of their team leadership.
Change is never easy to face and churches aren't known for being the best at accepting change, change is not easy, painful or always welcome. Often we seen the need to change, but doing it is another matter. (I speak as daily failing dieter)
Just as shoebury baptist must now face the reality of change, i think the THE church must also face the same reality. Today i had lunch with my amazing 91 yr old grandmother. i was asking her about her early life and she was telling me how hard it was to find a church which was alive to bring up her children 60 years ago!! (They ended up commuting 30mins to find such a church). Seeking a way to honour and be faithful to God and have mission as high as a priory as HE does is not going to easy. I just hope most churches don't leave so late that the church is going to be retired/ shut.
As for us, i pray that we have courage to be open to God and what He is calling us to here. (Not easy, even i like the old ways, well some of them!!) And give thanks to those who are faithfully supporting us in exploring what church is for today, tomorrow and most importantly for God.
I'm sure the people of God at Shoebury will have the ability to get to know, love and support whoever comes in and the changes that it will bring as it's a church in which many people know that 'it's not that the church of God has a mission, but that its the God of mission has a church.' (Rowan Williamson said that not Jim H!!)