Friday, 26 November 2010

That's not in the Christmas story!!

Today Caleb's school had a Christmas Fancy dress day!! (we didn't have such things in my day) anyway Caleb wanted to go as a wise man, he said king first but we had a brief theological chat about it and agreed wise man wearing a crown was a good way forward. Well Alison and the boy set to making a camel for the wise king to ride, they did and excellent job and off to school Caleb and I went, we saw all the normal things kids dressed as trees, fairies, elfs and father Christmas, a couple of angels some kids wrapped up in boxes as presents and some sheep tenders.
As we approached one of Caleb's friends, who was dressed as a box!! His friend said looking at Caleb that's nothing to do with Christmas!

I was not surprised and to start with a little sad.

This encounter made me think that obviously we've got a job to do in telling the wondrous story of God come to dwell among those he made, loves and who He wants to tell of this love and their need to enter a kingdom focused on receiving and living his love.

But..... It made me think a second thought!!
The church and churches children have been told this story, dressed up as characters from this story, sung the carols of this story, they know this story , but on the whole live waiting for people to come to their church services and activities, good job God the father didn't wait. He came and dwelt with us. Immanuel.

So maybe it's not just my son's friend who doesn't know the story!!

(ps Caleb won the class prize! )

Thursday, 18 November 2010

Time is running out for mission!!

I've found my first grey hair today!!!

Tuesday, 16 November 2010

why living in a community is so important.......

Most people will know that as a team we've spent large amount of time just being on Harold Hill.

So would ask is this a good use of time?

Yesterday at the funeral i was greeted by a man who said..... You have breakfast in the cafe don't you?

Also at the funeral were...........grandparents of one of Caleb's school friends, the parents of one of Calebs school friends, someone who i did the funeral for his brother in law as well as all those i know from the pub.

bit by bit people will realise and come to know that we are Christians who are committed to being part of and being on Harold Hill and slowly will trust us a people who are different but the same;

It's also a real challenging because you never know how you're going to meet and that you need to be a follower of Jesus everywhere, because people will know if you are not!!

The Funeral

Yesterday i took Terry's funeral. Thank you for all who prayed for this.

It was a very moving experience and such a privilege to be a part of it.

Obviously as Terry was only 56 there was a great Saddness for the around 350 mourners who came.

The service went well, here is some of what I said in my tribute.

""Now I don’t fully understand why people who are so clearly loved by so many are taken early, I question God about it myself. Brooke in child like faith has asked God to look after her Grandad. I can’t speak for God, but I would say to Brooke and to all of us, that as a follower of Jesus, the Jesus I read about in the bible and know would be found in pubs like the pomps and Jesus as a hard working carpenter would have many stories to share with a hard working and faithful man like Terry.

The reading Steve read talks about the hope that we can have that because Jesus Died and rose again for us a time is coming when God will take all pain and suffering and will look after those who want looking after.

And for those of us who do have tears and pain now God offers his comfort, support and looking after as we who are left mourn Terrys Passing.""

I have never seen so many flower tributes ( all in the Spurs colours)

Please continue to pray for what comes next, many people were encouraging afterwards.


Sunday, 14 November 2010

Shoe weekend

Hi all just back from running youth sessions at shoe weekend away. Shoebury have such a great youth group and it was great spend time thinking about the lords prayer and mission.

(for all our friends at shoe, we're really sorry but it didn't feel like we got much Time to see you all and find out your news. Sorry about that)

This is Jess swimming in the sea in nov!

Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Last week!

Last week two things happened. Which are going to provide us with an opportunity to serve Jesus and his kingdom in our local community.

First on Wednesday Terry the partner of the pub land lord died of cancer. I'm doing the funeral on monday and would really value you prayers.

Secondly we had a gathering for people we knew on Thursday night. We invited only people we knew personally and those we felt could do with being part of a community. (for example we did not invite people from the pun as at is already a community and our desire is to see the gospel in the pub community, not to take people out of pub community. )

The night included food, family activities, a kind of Kids club and a discussion with the adults about ' what do they think church should be like. And loads of fire works.

The night was amazing and we are now starting a weekly community meal at our house on a thursday night.

As a team we still have so much to work through , but it is amazing what is happening. Thank you for your support.
