Sunday, 2 December 2012
getting ready
Monday, 26 November 2012
Words last year from a 93 year old lady who we bury tomorrow- wisdom comes with age
Even small things are remembered for many years to come, helping in so many ways.
One will never know the extent of your Ministry."
written in a card to R.
Sunday, 28 October 2012
So on friday I met the Queen, thanks to you!
This last Friday the Queen came to Harold Hill to open the new academy on the Hill.
The Academy opened 2 years ago, but the the key staff have been working on the Hill for the last three years. I was privileged to be invited to have lunch with the Queen, which I thought would mean I be in a room with around 100 others have a bit of grub! This was in fact the case, but the real surprise for me was that I was part of group of people invited to be introduced to her personally in the school staff room. There were five groups- school governors, some of the school staff, people from the local authority, the local primary heads and the builders/ architects of the new buildings.( I was placed with the local head teachers). I informed the Queen that we had done parenting courses and such in the school. I also informed her that my three children wanted me to tell her that they thought she was a wonderful Queen. ( Caleb asked me to say this and Alison and the kids saw her outside the school.) Over all it was an amazing experience and I'm very grateful to the staff at Drapers for the opportunity.
I could write so much more, but the point of writing this in a blog was not to brag, but to say thank you.
Thank you for your support because I believe I was invited not because I was a local Minister- but because of the way we have worked with the school, and we have worked in this way because others have supported and released us and believed in us and our calling from God to be/live in this way.
When we think about the way we have worked with the school it has been marked out by being relational, willing to work with those families who others have, will to work long term, willing to be openly Christian but not forceful, willing to ask how are you and too listen.
Meeting the queen was amazing, but in a difficult week, it was such an encouragement to realise that the invitation to do so was an outcome of us trying to follow Jesus and live out the lifestyle values he has called us to live out. Thank you for the support and encouragement to live in this way.
PS- I must say Steve T did loads of work in the school while he was part of the team, so it did feel a little like stealing his glory meeting her, but hey I'm not complaining.
PPS, I think I would call myself a royalist and Her Majesty was amazing, but i'm still a baptist- The church and state should be separated for a number of reasons, but I didn't think friday was the time to bring this up!!!
PPPS yes I did wear a suit and tie!
Thursday, 11 October 2012
Thank you for helping us offer an alternative
A couple of moments from last week highlighted this for me. The main one must be the Ladies pamper night Alison hosts in our home, it's a alternative place for people to come into a place of peace/welcome/ acceptance. This alternative is a gift which Alison offers the Ladies and i believe does not go unnoticed. Jesus was often, if not always offering alternatives to all people, sometimes that alternative coursed great discomfort because it challenged sin and injustice. Other times it must have bought great comfort and hope- the God was with us and near.
I hope your week is a week of offering Kingdom building alternative to those around you.
Thursday, 13 September 2012
If the Paralympics changed our perceptions & language around disability, what will change our language and perception of the poor?
We should not patronise disabled people, and see them only as nice needy people, who will always need help. The Paralympics have surely reminded us that to just view someone through the lens of their disability is to restrict your understanding of what an incredible human being that person is and their potential and what resource they are for the rest of humanity.
The week after we had been to the Paralympics I had the privilege of attending a significant event on Harold Hill(which for obvious reasons I'm not going to say what was).
The language and attitude of many ( including local political leaders) towards people from Harold Hill was in many ways I think similar to "pre Paralympic" ( very simplistic but you understand what i mean) Caring, compassionate, full of pity, but lacked a sense of Harold Hill people have value and can make healthy positive contributions now. It felt to me as if people were saying they need to been fixed with our methods and understanding of what it is to be human. We need to rescue them and make them like us. ( again very much generalisation of the views, but still representative i think. )
Last weeks bible passage from James 2 surely reminds us that the poor are rich in faith and many other ways. I personally can say that i'm a better husband, dad and church leader because if what i've learnt from my friends on Harold Hill.
I would also say if rescuing people means fully integrating them into a capitalist society then I'm not sure that is actually rescuing anyone.
The nameless event was not at a church, but i wonder how different the mainstream view of the poor really in within the church too, it is pre or post Paralympic ?
Friday, 31 August 2012
would you pray this daily for us?
We hope your looking forward to what Sept has in stall for your church, for those of us on the Hill we can't wait to see how God continues to shapes the little community here, but we need workers( Steve and Lauren left in July). So every day in sept we're praying the following prayer, will you join us in praying it daily with us?
"Father we thank You for Your call to those who serve Your kingdom on Harold Hill. You have given them so many opportunities to share the good news of Your Son, and yet they feel their hands are full to overflowing. We ask that Your Spirit nudge, speak and encourage others to join them and share in this kingdom work."
Thursday, 5 July 2012
Mr Grey!
So as a follower if Jesus what should my response be? I did ask the question by twitter, but no one seem interested or had an answer.
So for what it's worth here are some thoughts from someone who has only read the 'contract' part of the book, but has had tons of banter with people who have!
- This is not new, earlier generations had mills and boon!
- Is this a challenge to men to be engaging in sex that listens to what a woman wants?
- God loves sex, he made it and so I think Jesus would have an opinion on this.
- The contract part of the book ( the contract is basically about the man owning the woman for sex as he wants it and when he wants it, without relationship or true commitment) made me think that this mirrors the unhealthy way so many men view their relationship with women, just without the contract.
- Relationship based on this sort of one side contract, could work, but can't be healthy. It seems to my that most of the bible is about us understanding who God is and how to be in relationship with Him and the others around us, these relationships are based on giving for the benefit of the other, not just about taking. I'm not sure Mr Grey is in this for anyone other then himself.
- It has been suggested to me that Mr Gray is teaching this lady what she really wants and maybe she(and those reading about their sex) are learning about sex, but can you really learn about the wonder of Sex without being in an truly commitment relationship?
- Most worryingly is this book encouraging a view of sex which is not about sex but about victimising and violence towards women. I'd probably need to read it which i'm not going to do to be able to explained on this point more, but if it is about the abuse of women, even subtly then it's not healthy, women were made by God to mirror who He is not to be 'objects' owned by men!
- Why is the church so quiet about this book- we don't think sex is bad and our silence about a cultural event shows that yet again we're running behind the real lives of those we would love to know about Jesus and the hope He breathes into our relationships. And if this book is endorsing violence against women then surely we should be speaking up!
Saturday, 23 June 2012
Thursday, 21 June 2012
Monday, 28 May 2012
My Pentecost prayer
Sunday, 13 May 2012
Welcome Lily.......
Thursday, 3 May 2012
David Dimbleby- Baptist?
As Baptist we believe that our ability to be congregational is one of the values/ practices which set us apart as different. Question Time is not a baptist church meeting because those gathered there aren't a local community, nor are they their to seek the common good for their community, nor, and most importantly, are they their to try to hear what God is saying to them through the whisper of the Holy to their souls and through the others gathered there, but still there was stuff David could teach us about a church meeting and the way we relate to each other at different times as we gather.
Some of these things you can only see if your there as he's not aways on camera.
- At the start he encouraged people to take part! This was to make the debate fun, but for us Baptist we need to be open to hearing many voices bring ideas, questions, challenges, ( all in christ like way!). Are most baptist church happy with a short 'quiet' church meeting or one which is lively, christ like and participated in?
- He made people aware that he didn't think the panel were more important/ special than the audience. All church members are equal, we trust our leaders, but trusting doesn't mean we don;t have dialog with them. All church members deserve respect, but only together can we discern what God is saying, church leaders need the members and vis verse, which is why it was great to see a discussion take place. Are Baptist church leaders to be left with the role of 'leading' or do we seek to hear what God is saying though the church rather than a few?
- It was encouraged to challenge! As uncomfortable as it was, it was the challenge of a statement/ idea which created discussion. Something we're not sure if it's christ like to challenge ( read the Gospels if your not sure!) Certainly I've seen people challenge other at church meetings in almost ungodly way, this too should be challenged, but in the discussion what challenged me was I was drawn to the members of the panel, who were most open to listen and changing their mind as a result of a challenge. Their leadership style was open to the process! Are Baptist church leaders open to this process?
- We heard the nutters(not a nice way of describing people but it paints the right picture)!! David D was not afraid to hear the nutter's ask questions! God speaks through nutters and often we try to silence them, those with extremist views or mental health issues or a real eye for detail and so ask question after question. Do we value theses voices, if we don't i suspect we don't value most of the writers of the second half of the OT!
Monday, 23 April 2012
What would you ask?
"Several of the candidates accept responsibility for the Olympics, who wants to accept responsibility for changing the fact 1 of 4 children live in poverty in London?"
Why because...
a)nothing the church 'suffers' in the uk is compared to the suffering many innocent children experience.
b) Jesus looks after the church, not the mayor of london/ UK government.
c) Jesus and Paul seemed more concerned with Justice and the Gospel rather then and fate of the church.
d) suffering is something we suffer because of our Gospel and because we stand with those others exclude. To suffer is to follow Jesus.
It's not that i'm not concerned with the fate of the church, it's just as part of the church i think of others before myself!
Have a great day.
Sunday, 8 April 2012
wow what a week

this last week has been amazing, kids club was great and we made more contacts had a great time and was supported by a great team.
Saturday, 7 April 2012
Friday, 30 March 2012
easter nesw
thank you
Report from Church Planting team on Harold Hill
Once again thank you so much for your faith in keeping the buildings on Harold Hill available for the people of Harold Hill and the mission of God on Harold Hill.
Over the last six months we have much to be thankful to God for. Here are three things that we hope will encourage you.
Community impact
A large amount of our time has been spent getting to know local people and local organisations. This is now starting to show fruit, people ring us, recommend us and suggest us to others in the community. (This we I have a house exorcism to do at the request of someone in the local authority!!)Now being liked isn’t everything and sometimes being a follow of Jesus means being unpopular, but I think people like us because of what they see us doing, loving and caring for those others don’t want to invest in.
Starting to be congregational
We now have a monthly time set aside in our groups to spend time talking about what people feel we should be doing and how they feel things are going. We point out that as Christians we believe that Jesus is the unseen person helping us in our conversation. Our hope is that this models an approach that allows all to come and have a voice, to be heard and to try to hear what others are saying. This is not a church meeting, but hopefully it is laying the foundations of a congregational community.
Sharing communion
Each week after our community meal, we share communion. Why? Because it helps us to tell the gospel in an accessible, visual and encouraging way. As we have been sharing communion this term we have been weaving the Gospel of Matthew through it. It has been a real time of learning as a team about how to tell the Jesus story. Each week we give people permission not to take it and state that communion is for those trying to follow Jesus. It has created loads of questions and God moments. Our hope is after Easter to do some ‘teaching’ on why we eat so much.
So once again thank you, because of your faith and commitment to Harold Hill and to Jesus, people are trusting the church and seeing value in it. People are having an opportunity to be part of community that believes in God speaking through the collective rather than just the ‘leader’. People who would have never have heard that Jesus Christ died, rose again to forgive sins and give life are hearing week after week after week.
Please ask our gracious Father to continue to lead us and to fill us again with His Holy Spirit as we share the story of his Son.
Thank you.