Wednesday, 22 December 2010
Pub and Happy Christmas
Sunday, 19 December 2010
snowed off
Monday, 13 December 2010
What a great (and tiring week)
Today Alison is putting up two interactive Christmas boards in 2 childrens centres.
Tomorrow I'm taking the funeral of a lovely man, doing an assembly at the secondary school and doing the last session on dads course. Wednesday for our team meeting we're going around to some families we know to do carol singing. Thursday am Alison and steve are leading last delight ( self esteem) on thursday night we' re having our church gathering for families, really excited about this. Fri- prep for sat which is the pub carol service. Again what an opportunity. Sun steve and I are both preaching at different church Monday we collapse !!
( and we've got 20 plants to take around to families of funerals I've taken over the year!!)
Please pray because these are all exciting opportunities to love people and to communicate Jesus!
Tuesday, 7 December 2010
Community survey results.
Feed back from our first event about what our friends think about church.
These questions were asked by Steve and Alison on the 4th Nov 2010 at our first gathering, time was short, but people spoke freely and it was a good time.
What type of community do you want to be a part of?
Care for others
Parent and Toddler groups
Sunday school
Celebrating time in year which bring people together ( Christmas, Easter)
CRB’s- a community in which kids are safe.
Meeting people where they are
A range of generations (Adopt a granny)
Mixture of time with and with Kids.
What does ‘church’ look like? (the answers given where based either on peoples hopes of what church could be like and on negative experience people have had)
A community Cold Families
Warmth Kids groups Like it to be fun instead of boring
Friendly Sunday School Boy bridage
Group of people Lecturing Is belonging just about believing in God
Doing stuff
When would like church gatherings to be ?
Thursday or Friday evening
Friday, 3 December 2010
Let it snow let sn...... Actually let it stop
Friday, 26 November 2010
That's not in the Christmas story!!
As we approached one of Caleb's friends, who was dressed as a box!! His friend said looking at Caleb that's nothing to do with Christmas!
I was not surprised and to start with a little sad.
This encounter made me think that obviously we've got a job to do in telling the wondrous story of God come to dwell among those he made, loves and who He wants to tell of this love and their need to enter a kingdom focused on receiving and living his love.
But..... It made me think a second thought!!
The church and churches children have been told this story, dressed up as characters from this story, sung the carols of this story, they know this story , but on the whole live waiting for people to come to their church services and activities, good job God the father didn't wait. He came and dwelt with us. Immanuel.
So maybe it's not just my son's friend who doesn't know the story!!
(ps Caleb won the class prize! )
Thursday, 18 November 2010
Tuesday, 16 November 2010
why living in a community is so important.......
The Funeral
""Now I don’t fully understand why people who are so clearly loved by so many are taken early, I question God about it myself. Brooke in child like faith has asked God to look after her Grandad. I can’t speak for God, but I would say to Brooke and to all of us, that as a follower of Jesus, the Jesus I read about in the bible and know would be found in pubs like the pomps and Jesus as a hard working carpenter would have many stories to share with a hard working and faithful man like Terry.
The reading Steve read talks about the hope that we can have that because Jesus Died and rose again for us a time is coming when God will take all pain and suffering and will look after those who want looking after.
And for those of us who do have tears and pain now God offers his comfort, support and looking after as we who are left mourn Terrys Passing.""
Sunday, 14 November 2010
Shoe weekend
(for all our friends at shoe, we're really sorry but it didn't feel like we got much Time to see you all and find out your news. Sorry about that)
This is Jess swimming in the sea in nov!

Wednesday, 10 November 2010
Last week!
Last week two things happened. Which are going to provide us with an opportunity to serve Jesus and his kingdom in our local community.
First on Wednesday Terry the partner of the pub land lord died of cancer. I'm doing the funeral on monday and would really value you prayers.
Secondly we had a gathering for people we knew on Thursday night. We invited only people we knew personally and those we felt could do with being part of a community. (for example we did not invite people from the pun as at is already a community and our desire is to see the gospel in the pub community, not to take people out of pub community. )
The night included food, family activities, a kind of Kids club and a discussion with the adults about ' what do they think church should be like. And loads of fire works.
The night was amazing and we are now starting a weekly community meal at our house on a thursday night.
As a team we still have so much to work through , but it is amazing what is happening. Thank you for your support.
Sunday, 31 October 2010
Please pray
My friend t he has cancer and is very very Ill. Please pray that if it right I get to see him before he dies and that I do I'm able to say, be the right thing.
Saturday, 30 October 2010
Fire station trip
Thursday, 28 October 2010
Can you believe it's been a year
It's been a year since steve and lauren joined us. And what a year. To celebrate this we had a special evening together to express our thanks to them and to God for the last year.
We spent some time with the kids and then went out for dinner. At dinner we reviewed the last year and were amazed to see it all on paper. We are all so grateful to Jesus for all that we have learnt, been and done in the last year. We also looked at what we'd be looking to build on.
Thanking you so much for praying for us.
At the end of the meal we shared communion together and reminded each other that the first Passover was shared at the start of a journey. We are still only at the start of this journey but we've been very encouraged with our first few steps.

Our team communion. (some left overs of our time together).
Wednesday, 27 October 2010
I love you but.........
Is it fair?
Thankfully our gospel is not carry what is fair, but carry your cross.
Whatever political colour you are, I hope your prayer is 'lord your kingdom come for the poor.'
Friday, 22 October 2010
The need to hear others story.
Now I not saying we're going to copy what they have done. ( there is far too much blind coping of what others do in the vain hope it will bring a more successful church to the copier if you ask me) but it can be so helpful in understanding what god is up to and what the potenatal highs and Lows are. And to help you see the weaknesses of what we' re doing.
So who from outside you context are you allowing to speak and share.
Friday, 15 October 2010
Calories 4 Jesus
1 pint of Guinness in the pub on Sunday night
1 team meal with team and Juliet k and simon jones from urban expression who can to support and encourage us.
1 team meal with team and someone who is prayfully considering join the team. Please pray for them.
1 full English with dad who's life is a little crazy at the moment.
10 grapes with kids while doing crèche 4 self esteem group. ( alison had a Huge choc biscuit, while doing the first session.
Coffee with the local head of the family support team.
Dinner with the dads from the dads group which we eat in the middle of the session.
( we also ate the left overs afterwards while watching the second half of the football. )
Coffee and some amazing biscuits with the head of the local voluntary agency support group who was so help in helping me think about what to do about the way we should proceed with our legal status.
It's amazing what a little food and drink can achieve.
Thursday, 14 October 2010
Peace I give you
The peace of Jesus be with you.
Sunday, 10 October 2010
Wednesday, 6 October 2010
Change of plan!
We're going to have this on the 4th nov, as a team we feel this is more caring to local community rather than importing a church model. After this we seek to honour what people suggest.
Tuesday, 5 October 2010
Please pray for these new things
So please pray for these:
- The self esteem gathering called 'delight'. The main aim of this is to is to give mums an opportunity to look at what is coursing them low self esteem and the Christian response to these issues.
- We will be holding our first gathering on Thursday 14th of October. It will be a family meal/worship/craft/ being thankful to God. Were inviting all the people/ families we know.
- Community meal: on Thursdays we are now going to have a drop in community meal, starting at ours, the aim to help build community for these how don't have any. and about once a month we will do a 'church' type gathering
- Steve has started college, and Alison has now been trained in the same parenting course I have.
- I have started another parenting course for dads only, as ever there are some great dads with amazing stories, real wisdom needed.
Of course none of this may work. But our prayer is 'Lord your kingdom come & build your church'
Many thanks for you prayers.
Sunday, 5 September 2010
How are you doing!!
Thursday, 19 August 2010
last week and friday
Thursday, 5 August 2010
Why Our Team Name
Our team name As a team we’ve not really had a name to go by, we’ve just told people that we’re starting a new church on Harold Hill. To be honest we were keen to hold off giving ourselves a name for a while, however it has become clear for many different reasons we needed to give ourselves a name.
So after spending time thinking, praying and talking about what we’d want our name to communicate about us. We have come up with:
Church 123:Working title for a new church on Harold Hill
123 comes from Matthew 1v23
"The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel"—which means, "God with us."
123 therefore hints at the bible verse, but also that we are starting something simple, easy, down to earth.
The word church is a loaded word in English culture, but we went for it for these reasons:
We want to be a church and are not far off being one.
We want to be part of something which redeems the word
People on Harold Hill seem very suspicious of new and fancy things, the word church we felt would give some reassurance that we were not some thing to be suspicious or afraid of.
The whole value of us living among people and the reality that Jesus mission style started by being among people is so important to us as a team, we believe that God is with those on Harold Hill, but we also want to demonstrate that by the way we are locally incarnated.
team video
Tuesday, 3 August 2010
Holidays and Parenting courses
Wednesday, 28 July 2010
Sorry it been so long
Saturday, 10 July 2010
Parenting course
I’ve been able to be involved in the parenting course this time round and have been helping with the crèche. It’s been great to get to know the kids of those on the course and has helped me begin to connect with the parents too. We’ve enjoyed a picnic in the park with some of the families and I often see them around in Harold Hill. I guess knowing that I know their kids, the fact that the kids will say hi all helps with building trust in new relationships. Here’s hoping this will continue to develop over the summer.
Wednesday, 9 June 2010
what you did for my dad that was.....
my sister's wedding this weekend
Sunday, 6 June 2010
Are we like social services?
I’ve said it and I’ve heard others say it. “The danger is in serving our local community that we can land up being social services to our local community and not talking enough about Jesus. “
We are in it for the long term.
We don’t call people ‘our clients’ or ‘service users’.
We don’t have two mobile phones one for work and one for friends.
We don’t have a high turn over of staff.
We call those we serve our friends.
Most of us don’t get paid to do it.
We don’t judge people even if we’ve seen similar sets of circumstances in other people’s lives.
We are open after 5:30pm
We don’t make, coerce or threaten people to engage with us.
Those we serve have met our children.
We don’t count people, results or outcomes.
I guess if the church is being the church I can’t see why people would think we were like social services.
I’m sure we’ll continue to work along side socials services, but not as an extension, as the church of Jesus Christ.
Monday, 24 May 2010
Look what i'm growing
The picture will amaze some people as they can see I’ve got a veggie patch, as I’ve reflected on peoples annual attempt to grow fruit, I’ve seen some similarities between growing fruit and veg and growing a church.
I’ve cleaned the ground
But not eaten from it yet
I’ve exposed the earth
I’m still hungry
I’ve added manure,
But still nothing grows
I’ve worked to get ground ready to plant
I’ve Planted and chitted,
But still no fruit
I’ve planted seedlings and read about how they should grow!
Some have grown others haven’t
Some I really thought would take and others have surprised me.
I’ve passionately weeded and weeded anything that harm my crop,
(sometimes not sure if what I’m pulling up is what I’m meant to be growing!)
I’ve watered and tended,
(Can anyone tell me why my tomatoes have yellow on the leaves?)
I’ve panicked about late frosts; torrential rain and baking hot sun,
Still no fruit?! Still no harvest?! Still no church?!
Am I failing or doing it right?
Friday, 14 May 2010
I'm crying!
Friday, 7 May 2010
Finding God truth in unexpected places
Monday, 19 April 2010
Friday, 26 March 2010
sorry it's been a while
Sorry it’s been so long since we blogged! The last few weeks have been a bit of a blur with chicken pox ahoy among the kids and sickness bugs, oh the fun. We can hardly believe that Easter is nearly here, time has flown. We’re organising an Easter event at the pub which we’re hoping will be lots of fun. A bit more challenging to share the Easter story but praying that people will learn something new. We certainly are and thinking hard about how to explain the Easter story. In the last month or so we’ve had the opportunity to meet up with other Urban Expression teams which has been great. We’ve really enjoyed spending time with others in similar situations and learning from them about urban mission. We’ll do our best to update this more often over the next few weeks.
Friday, 12 February 2010
Alison writes
Friday, 29 January 2010
Please Pray
Please pray for these changes.
With my youth work Jobs i've got to keen time coming up, we're trying to get referals for a parenting course which has been slow, please pray this picks up and i've meeting about the other role on Harold hill which could mean some changes, please pray for wisdom and guildance in both situations.
Love and Prayers
Friday, 22 January 2010
They are here!
I;'ve started leading a parenting course for Dad's only on the hill, an amazing programme called strengthening families strengthening communities, we have 13 dad's doing it and it is a really privilege to journey with these men as we learn from each other. Please pray that i will be able to make some good friends.
Working for the local authority has been interesting! please pray as i continue to settle into the two jobs.
As i continue to reflect on the Hill and work and type of church that is needed, I'm so sure that a church needs to be very family oriented. There are some great families that we are meeting who are strong and would gain more strength from a church with helped them function even better together, but obviously there are families who are struggling and a families based church could really offer support in helping them work through the issues. How we do this is mystery still, but please pray as we consider and pray about these issues.
Much Love
Friday, 8 January 2010
Christmas and SNOW!!
We also had some good fmaily time with the Kids and Alison's fmaily and then my family.
The Carol service was great and a think really helped our firendship with the pub ( it was amazing to be drinking beer inbetween singing carols, not very spirtual i know but still very cool)
On monday night i start co leading a parenting course for Dads on the hill, please pray that this goes well,
Steve and Lauren are moving next week so it's all go.
And i had a snow ball fight with ALison and the kids.
I just took Caleb to school he's one of 4!!! in his class today.
Love and Prayers